What is Kestrels all about?
The aim of the sessions is very simple - to introduce the whole range of athletics events to children in a fun and fulfilling way through coaching from highly experienced qualified coaches.
All children are welcome, no matter what their ability and potential, as we believe that everyone can improve with our support. Each session is run at the Kingsmeadow Stadium in Kingston (postcode KT1 3PB), and the club runs throughout the year - including the summer holidays.
Athletes can do one or two sessions a week (the latter only for Yr6+) with High Flyers doing two sessions a week.
We currently run the Kestrel Club at the following times:
Tuesdays from 17.00 to 18.15 - for school years 4-13
Wednesdays from 17.00 to 18.15 - for school years 2-5
Wednesdays from 18.30 to 19.45 - for school years 6-13
NOTE: The Wed 5pm and 6.30pm sessions are at the Epsom Track (Poole Road)
Sundays from 9.30 - 10.45 - for school years 2-5
Sundays from 11.00 - 12.15 - for school years 6-13
In addition to this, we have a session with a slightly different format:
Thursdays from 17.00 to 18.15 - for years 6 and above. Here athletes can concentrate on individual event groups (sprints, middle distances or throws) if they really enjoy one area significantly more than the others.
Finally, we have two sessions exclusively for the older High Flyers only.
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18.30 to 19.45 - for school years 8-13

If you would like to come and try out to see if you like the sessions, we offer athletes a taster sessions. The first one is £5, with any further pay-as-you-go session £25 thereafter. Please contact us at kestrelclub@momentumsports.co.uk if you'd like to book a trial session (or to ask any other question about our coaching)
If you would like to commit more long-term after trying us out, then the cost of the sessions are
Once a week
3 months once a week = £190
6 months once a week = £300
12 months once a week = £510
Twice a week
3 months twice a week = £285
6 months twice a week = £470
12 months twice a week = £750
The price includes the cost of admission to the track, all coaching, and prizes / goodies for athletes. Also, it includes membership of Kingston AC and Polytechnic Harriers, which gives athletes access to league competitions organised through the club and an England Athletics registration number in order to compete in a far wider range of competitions.
After an initial period with Kestrels (at the prices above), there is the option to switch to a monthly standing order if you'd rather. This is £62 for one session a week or £100 for two sessions a week.
We are looking to develop each individual's talents as far as possible so that they can enjoy the great sport that many of us have been involved in for years.
This will provide a great platform for future athletic and sporting achievement for the youngsters involved and is the primary route into athletics for those wishing to join K&P.
If you have any queries about the club or would like to register an interest in joining, please e-mail
The Kestrel Club presents an "Athlete of the day" award each sessions. There are good prizes to be had (hoodies, t-shirts, hats etc), and is based on dedication, good behaviour and good performance etc.
We also have a Facebook Page - KestrelClub which we'd love you to join so you can keep up to date on all the news about all that is going on.

High Flyers
Being a High Flyer is about taking your athletics to the next level. It is a stepping stone to a more senior "evening" group. You will be able to doing more of the types of events you like the most and the training will be a bit more advanced.
To achieve this level High Flyers will need to sign up to do two sessions a week because we believe to take your athletics on to this level requires a little more commitment (as with any session we run, attendance is not mandatory, but payment is for the two sessions a week and generally athletes attend as often as they can).
You can choose any two sessions in the week, provided the details given say it is suitable for your age group. There are 5 possible sessions each week to choose from.
We recommend that those in Yr10 upwards do the sessions at 7.00pm on a Tuesday and Thursday - although if you are not available for these, you can choose other sessions.
Younger High Flyers can do these sessions, but we might limit these to older athletes if the numbers become too large for the two coaches who work this session to sensibly coach. Unlike other sessions in the week we can't expand this group beyond two coaches as we don't have the space on the track.
Long-term Absences
If and athlete is part way through a subscription period and, for any reason, needs to miss a significant period of time with us (whether it be injury / illness etc), then please let us know.
We will extend subs in these circumstances, provided we know about them in advance (otherwise we'll still be getting coaches etc down for sessions for the athlete).
When we extend subs we do so by the period left, minus three weeks because this is the amount of time we expect an athlete, on average, to miss in any three month period when we set the prices in the first place (otherwise they would all be higher for everyone).
We do not offer refunds.
Please contact us at kestrelclub@momentumsports.co.uk if this needs to happen at any point.